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Women’s Ministry

It is thrilling to watch women grow in Christ and receive great blessings as a result of following Him. Our ladies support and encourage one another in daily life, at church, and through the activities designed specifically for them.

Contact Pastor Ulrey   417-260-0943

Youth Ministry

Young people are vital to our church and community. We provide opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth for young folks from the nursery on up! Our children's workers undergo background screening to ensure your child's safety. We offer Sunday School, VBS, youth activities, camps, and more!

Contact Pastor Ulrey   417-260-0943

Outreach Ministry

The Great Commission was given so that the world might know of Jesus Christ. Houston Bible Baptist Church actively works to tell people about Jesus through neighborhood and community outreach, with our Bearing Precious Seed program that sends booklets with the Gospel of John and Romans all over the world, and with Planting Seeds of Hope tract hand-outs.

Contact Pastor Ulrey

Music Ministry

Music is given that we may worship our Lord in a rich and meaningful way. We sing with glee the hymns that helped shape our Nation's spiritual character. There are many opportunities for musicians to create a spirit of worship.

Contact Pastor Ulrey    417-260-0943

Senior Ministry

Our Seniors have given all their lives and it is with pleasure that we are able to give back. We visit local nursing facilities, hospitals, and homes to provide comfort and a sense of belonging to our Seniors.

Contact Pastor Ulrey   417-260-0943

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Houston Bible Baptist Church 16700 Oak Hill Road  Houston, Missouri 65483  417-260-0943


Heaven Bound Because of Christ

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